Sunday, September 2, 2012

Gilgamesh Tablets 6-7 Reading Response

     In these 2 tablets, the goddess Ishtar sent a bull down to Earth because she was angry with Gilgamesh. Together Gilgamesh and Enkidu defeated the bull. The gods decided that one of the 2 had to die, so they chose Enkidu. 
     I still don't understand why they chose Enkidu. I think maybe because Gilgamesh was more powerful, or because they wanted to punish Gilgamesh so they decided to kill his friend. Or, if these stories do have some historical content, and there was a Gilgamesh and an Enkidu, the person or people who wrote this story wanted to explain why Enkidu died. To explain why he died they wrote down that the gods had decided to kill him. 

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