Sunday, September 2, 2012

Gilgamesh Tablets 4-5 Reading Response

     Before I said that Gilgamesh reminded me of the Greek myth's. But these tablets reminded me of the bible. There was a lot of repetition, as there can be in the bible.  For example: "On the next day they traveled fifty leagues, and fifty leagues a day for two days more. Then Enkidu found water. They dug a well to quench their thirst and offer to the god, and Gilgamesh offered his offering of flour: 'May Shamash grant of fortune dream tonight.'" 
     This part of the story was repeated a couple of times, and each time Gilgamesh was granted a dream. 
     In bible stories people often also pray to god for help when they are going through a difficult task. An example of this in Gilgamesh is when he cries out: "Protect us as we pass through fearfulness." And the story says: "Then Shamash heard the prayer of Gilgamesh and raised up thirteen storms agaisnt Huwawa." 

These similarities of repetition and prayer reminded me of the bible while I was reading tablets 4-5.    

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