Sunday, September 2, 2012

Gilgamesh Tablets 1-3 Reading Response

     So far, I would describe the Epics of Gilgamesh as "interesting." There was a wild man named Enkidu who was big and strong and lived with the animals. When Shamhat told him of Gilgamesh, the greatest of them all,  Enkidu decided to go to the city of Uruk and challenge Gilgamesh. When he got to Uruk he and Gilgamesh wrestled and in the end Gilgamesh won. Enkidu admitted Gilgamesh was the greatest and they became friends. Now they are off to try and defeat Huwawa the monster. 
     I find this story some what like the Greek myth's, because there is talk of defeating horrifying monsters and there is battles between men to see who is the greatest. For example, when Gilgamesh says: "It is Gilgamesh who will venture out into the Forest and cut the Cedar down and win the glory. The fame will be secure to all my sons." In the Greek myth's there were always people going off to fight monsters and trying to prove they were the most powerful. 
     I think there were similar stories in these early times because everyone was trying to explain things such as the gods, and there were tales that may have had some truth, but became exaggerated as people retold them.   

1 comment:

  1. I love this post, and I was absolutely thrilled to see the other links that you published that go along with this topic. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I am happy to be a new follower. :)

