Sunday, January 13, 2013


1. Choose one person. Describe how winning the spelling bee is important to that person. 
     I found Ashley an interesting character. She goes to public school in Washington D.C. (Where the schools are supposed to be pretty bad.) Despite the fact that she isn't able to get the best education, or may be surrounded by people who don't really care about education, she tries really hard. To her, winning the spelling bee would be a chance to prove herself. She could show the world how driven and intelligent she is, despite her surroundings. If she won, she could go back to school feeling accomplished, and more ready to learn then ever. 

5. Should we still have spelling bees? Why? Why not? 
     I believe that spelling bees can be a good opportunity for kids, but whether a person should enter or not is a better question. Some kids enjoy spelling, and like to study for the bees. But some kids can get overwhelmed by the pressure and I don't think it's good for them. So I think that spelling bees should still be held, but only students who want to participate, (or can handle the pressure) should join.  

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