Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Confucius Quote

"Do not be concerned that you lack an official position, but rather concern yourself with the means by which you might become established. Do not be concerned that no one has heard of you, but rather strive to become a person worthy of being known." 

     I really like the last part of that quote. "Do not be concerned that no one has heard of you, but rather strive to become a person worthy of being known." 
     I believe that most everyone wants their name to be written in the history books. The question is how to get your name in there. 
     When I was in social studies last year, we watched a clip from the movie Troy. One scene showed a little boy praising Achilles, telling him how he could never be as brave or as good a warrior. Achilles responded by saying: "And that is why no one will remember your name." Achilles was obsessed with becoming famous. He accomplished this, but he didn't "strive to become a person worthy of being known." He's famous for killing a bunch of people, and from what I've studied, he seemed like an arrogant jerk. 
     There are people like Achilles, and then there's people like Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., and Confucius himself. They wanted to make the world a better place. For that reason they are worthy of being known. 
     If no one has heard of you yet, it doesn't matter. What matters is to strive for the worthiness of being heard of. That is how people will remember your name.  

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