Thursday, October 18, 2012

Persepolis Reading Response: The Passport

     Marji's uncle gets his third heart attack since his eldest son left for Holland. To fully recover from the attack he needs to go to England so doctors can perform an open heart procedure. The thing is, he needs a passport to get to England, which is virtually impossible. Luckily, Marji and her family discover an old friend who makes fake passports. For a certain price he guarantees he can have one ready in a few weeks.
 This old friend has also taken in a girl called Niloufar. She is hiding from those searching for because she is communist. 
     On page 125 there are 3 panels showing Niloufar. The panels read: "Two days later, Niloufar, the eighteen-year-old communist, was spotted. Arrested... and executed." 
The pictures from these panels remind me of Kite Runner, a movie I saw in 7th grade. Towards the end of the movie there's a scene of a woman about to get stoned with her eyes covered by a cloth just the way Niloufar has her's. The image is horrifying in both scenes. 
     The worst part is that Niloufar was so young. Earlier in the chapter Marji's uncle said: "The butcher told me he's seen kids executed in the street without even having been judged. The shame of it." It's terrible to hear that people of all ages were killed during the revolution because of their political positions, beliefs, and religious morals. 
     I truly wish it could be understood by everyone in the world that violence helps nothing, and never will.   

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