Sunday, October 21, 2012

Malala Yousafzai

     I had already heard about this 14-year-old girl from my mom before I read these articles. But the articles gave me more information on the subject. That Malala got shot because she was protesting her right to learn as a woman. She got shot in the head, because she wanted to go to school. 
     I feel like I haven't been very grateful. I get to go to school everyday. I learn something new everyday. I get to have homework to reinforce these new ideas and skills. With each day that passes I become closer to my goal of getting into college and pursuing the job of my dreams. 10 months out of the year I get to do this without a worry in my head. Meanwhile, in a country not very far away, there's a girl my same exact age who is troubled with the fact that the next day might be her last of getting an education. Because she worries she won't get the education she deserves, she protests. Because she protests she gets threatened. Although these threats may be frightening, she continues to protest, because she wants to send the message that going to school is a right everyone should have. Because she continues to protest, she gets shot. 
     I believe this connects with Persepolis, and how Marji wanted the world to know a country should not be judged by a few extremists. Malala was fighting against the extremists who said girls shouldn't go to school. Truthfully, if I was in her situation, I don't think I would have been brave enough to do what she did. I hope she recovers. And I hope that her story helps in the  advancements of women's rights all around the world. 

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